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Author Emilie MONZON |
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DIAZ L ; C. EIDEN ; Emilie Jouanjus ; Elisabeth Frauger ; Nathalie Fouilhé Sam-Laï ; Samira Djezzar ; V. GIBAJA ; Alexandra Boucher ; Reynald Le Boisselier ; Frédéric Libert ; Anne-Sylvie Caous ; Emilie MONZON ; M. GUERLAIS ; A. DAVELUY ; Bernard Fauconneau ; H. PEYRIERE |Objectives: Alprazolam, a high-potency and short-acting anxiolytic benzodiazepine, is one of the most misused benzodiazepines in France. In the context of various reports on alprazolam misuse during the COVID-19 pandemic, the objective of this s[...]