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Author MEYER C |
Available item(s) by this author (3)
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JAVELOT H ; STRACZEK C ; MEYER C ; GITAHY FALCAO FARIA C ; WEINER L ; DRAPIER D ; FAKRA E ; FOSSATI P ; WEIBEL ; DIZET S ; LANGREE B ; MASSON M ; GAILLARD R ; LEBOYER M ; P.M LLORCA ; HINGRAY C ; HAFFEN E ; YRONDI A |The use of psychotropics during the COVID-19 pandemic has raised two questions, in order of importance: first, what changes should be made to pharmacological treatments prescribed to mental health patients ? Secondly, are there any positive side[...]Article
1 University of Greifswald (Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, Greifswald, Germany) ; Guertler D ; Broda A ; Bischof A ; Kastirke N ; Meerkerk GJ ; John U ; MEYER C ; Rumpf HJAn important step in Internet addiction research is to develop standardized instruments for assessing Internet addiction-related symptoms. The Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS) is a promising brief questionnaire. The aim of this study was to [...]