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Author Emeline GAILLOT |
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Carelle Vanessa KOUMBA ; Emeline GAILLOT ; Jaqueline Wendland ; Vincent ACHOUCHE ; Margaux PIOLLET ; Myriam TEMAME ; Victor d' HERBEMONT ; Jacques Moreau ; Camille Louise TARQUINIO ; Marion Trousselard ; Christine ROTONDA ; Cyril Tarquinio ; Arnaud MALAUSSENA ; Johann Jung ; Cagla Celikkol SADIC ; Sevval AKYUREK ; Mehmet UYAR ; Nazlican CAVUNT ; Hasan ALTIN ; Irem AYDIN ; Yunus Emre TOROS ; Yekta OZKAN ; Hacer Gizem GERCEK ; Aziz KARA ; Dominique JEGADEN ; David LUCAS |Article
Objective : Although fathers are strongly encouraged to get involved in parenthood since pregnancy, there is still little research on the perinatal experience of fatherhood. In order to better understand and appreciate the experience of fathers [...]