Title: | 35(4) - Décembre 2023 |
Available issues | 35(4) |
Published date : | 12/04/2023 |
Serial title | Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique |
General note: | Voir le sommaire en ligne : https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/toxicologie-analytique-et-clinique/vol/35/issue/4 |
Languages: | French |
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Nadia Arbouche
Laurie Gheddar
Joris Guyon
Alice Matheux
Lidvine Boland
C. Bruno
Nele van Den Eede
Jérémy Lelong
Marie Bellouard
Touria Mernissi
Romain Pelletier
P. Thiebot
Théo Willeman
Aline Ameline
Nicolas Fabresse
Cannabis is the most widely used drug in the world with a prevalence of 2.5%. France and Belgium are no exception. Moreover, pediatric cannabis intoxications are increasing due to the growing use of cannabis in the adult population. In this stud[...]
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Location | Call number | Emplacement | Media type | Section | Status |
Hôpital Marmottan | BV 2019 | Articles | Cannabis | Available |