Title: | Contextual influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on pregnant women's emotional regulation abilities [Influence du contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les capacités de régulation émotionnelle des femmes enceintes] |
Authors: | TOLEON C ; Anne-Sophie Deborde ; AHMAD S ; VANWALLEGHEM S |
In : | ENCEPHALE (49(5), 2023) |
Article on page: | 489-495 |
Descriptors: |
Abstract: | Introduction : Emotional regulation is a key factor that could determine the quality of becoming a parent. Since pregnancy is accompanied by changes in the emotional system, fluctuations in emotional regulation may also occur during this period. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had major psychological repercussions on the general population which could have also affected emotional regulation capacities. Objective : The objective of this study was to determine whether emotional regulation has characteristics during pregnancy and to evaluate the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the emotional regulation of pregnant women. Method : One hundred fifty-one women aged between 19 and 42 years old participated in this study. Their emotional regulation abilities were assessed using the Difficulties Emotion Regulation Scale before and during the pandemic. A two-factor multivariate analysis of covariance, 'parental status' (pregnant vs. childless) and 'time of data collection' (before vs. during COVID-19), was conducted to compare the emotional regulation abilities of pregnant women with those of childless women before and during the pandemic. Results : (1) Prior to the pandemic, pregnant women exhibited better emotional regulation skills than childless women, characterized by greater acceptance and understanding of their emotions. (2) During the pandemic: (a) pregnant women's emotional regulation scores were comparable to those of women without children. (b) They also had more difficulty than pre-pandemic pregnant women in identifying their emotions. Conclusion : The lack of improvement in emotional regulation skills in pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic is a specific impact of COVID on this population. This could affect their mental health, as well as the emotional adjustment of the mother towards her baby. [Résumé d'auteur] |
Contents note: | Tabl. ; 35 réf.bibliogr. |
Link for e-copy: | https://go.openathens.net/redirector/ghu-paris.fr?url=https://www.em-premium.com/article/1621444 |
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