Title: | Impact of HCV cure on subsequent hospitalizations in people with mental disorders: Results from the French claims database |
Authors: | Benjamin Rolland, Author ; Nabil Hallouche, Author ; Olivier Lada, Author ; Pascaline Rabiéga, Author ; Fayssoil Fouad, Author ; Elias Benabadji, Author ; Stanislas Pol, Author |
In : | PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH (339, 2024) |
Languages: | English |
Descriptors: |
Abstract: | Background and Aims: Although HCV cure after direct-acting antiviral (DAA) treatment is associated with hepatic and extrahepatic benefits, few studies have assessed the impact of HCV treatment in people with mental disorders (PWMDs). Using quasi-exhaustive national data from the French administrative health care databases (SNDS), we explored whether DAA treatment in PWMDs affected hospitalizations in both psychiatric and non-psychiatric settings. Methods: All adult PWMDs identified in the SNDS with DAA treatment initiation between 2015 and 2018 and 12 months of data pre- and post-treatment were included. Individuals were algorithmically classified into one or several subgroups: 'addictive disorders', 'neurotic and mood disorders', 'psychotic disorders' and 'other psychiatric disorders'. A longitudinal approach was used to compare the frequency and duration of hospitalizations one year before and one year after DAA treatment. Results: In total, 17,203 individuals met the inclusion criteria. The number of patients with at least one hospitalization (any type) decreased by 28% after HCV cure. The mean numbers of hospitalizations in non-psychiatric units per patient per year were 1·2 during the pre-DAA period and 0·8 during the post-DAA period (p < 0·0001). Similarly, the number of hospitalizations in psychiatric wards decreased from 1·4 to 1·2 (p = 0.006). The duration of hospital stays decreased from 20·2 days to 16·7 days in non-psychiatric settings (p < 0·0001). These results were also homogeneous and significant across all subgroups. Conclusions: HCV cure significantly lowered the frequency and duration of hospitalizations during the year following treatment in all PWMDs subgroups, including the psychotic disorders subgroup. [résumé d'auteur] |
Contents note: | Fig. ; Tabl. ; 23 réf. bibliogr. |
Link for e-copy: | https://go.openathens.net/redirector/ghu-paris.fr?url=https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165178124003172 |
Service de l'auteur du GHU : |
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